Product Updates: Edition #4: Asset Assessment

Written by
Kayley Greenland
December 19, 2022

We have a HUGE new feature to announce this month!

Inspect your buildings and assets with Asset Assessment

For organizations with assets to manage, one of the key components to keep on top of is asset maintenance. You need to be able to easily visualize your assets and keep track of any issues or damage for speedy repair.

While you could always use drones to capture your assets and visualize them in the Birdi platform, there wasn’t an easy way to record and report on maintenance issues, for follow up by the relevant stakeholders across your team. Until now!

Meet: Birdi’s Asset Assessment

With Asset Assessment, you can set up your assessment register that’s relevant to your organisation, enable your team to review asset images and mark areas of interest, before compiling all of the captured information into a handy report. Let’s dive a little deeper into the specific feature components below.

Asset assessment register

You first need to create an asset assessment register, where you can set up your own assessment criteria with criteria, categories and sub-categories relevant to your organization. Each column reflects a further drilling in of a parent categories’ sub-categories, enabling you to make the register as targeted to your assessment needs as possible. You can also create multiple assessment registers for different use cases within your organization (say, a register for a rooftop inspection versus a register for construction progress).

Review the asset images

Once you’ve created a register, you can review any/all of the images within an objective. You can use the polygon tool to mark areas of interest and then use the categories from your asset register to log the specific details (you can also add additional categories here on the fly). You can set a severity level, add a recommended action, and add any additional comments as well.

Produce an asset inspection report

Once you’ve completed your asset assessment, the details can be exported as a nifty PDF report. If you need to go back and assess additional images or edit the report, you can jump back into the asset inspection, make changes and updates, and then re-export the report.

The Asset Assessment tool is live now in your Birdi workspace! Jump on in to get started using it. If you need help, check out our article here on the Knowledge Base, or send us a message on chat and we’ll be able to help.

Kayley Greenland
Kayley is Birdi's product manager and is across all the nuts and bolts of our feature releases, product roadmap and platform vision.